Providing an holistic health and wellbeing service to BME communities

Whilst the pandemic is now behind us, the Tamarind Centre continues to maintain an appropriate level of vigilance according to the current advice provided by the National Health Service.

What we do at Tamarind

Outreach & Support

More recently we took the decision to include a more preventative approach to our service delivery. We now provide health, wellbeing & social care support.

Group Services

We provide special interest days, gender specific groups & activities, carer support mornings, alternative therapy (yoga, massage), and health awareness sessions.

Counselling Services

Our Counselling Service, specialises in helping African, Asian and Caribbean communities with their emotional, personal and family problems.

Take Referrals

We accept professional and self referrals. Our services support the ‘whole’ person (from a culturally sensitive perspective) on the road to their recovery.

More about our services

Our service standards

  • Committed Staff & Volunteers

    Commitment is a characteristic of a person that means that S/he is willing to do their best in order to get the work done. We only employ a committed staff team.

  • Confidentiality

    The organisation will treat information concerning its service users as confidential. We will recognise their right to privacy and will ensure that confidential information is handled appropriately.

  • Person Centred

    Focusing care on the needs of the individual is what a person centred approach is about, ensuring that preferences, needs and values guide decisions, and provides care that is respectful of and responsive.

  • Holistic Approach

    Support that looks at the whole person, (and not just their mental health needs), is what an holistic approach is about. The support considerers their physical, emotional social and spiritual wellbeing.

We'll maintain these standards as an integral part of our governance and service delivery at all times. 

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Our dedicated wellbeing support phone number 024 7622 7712, is available between these times:

  • Monday 10am-1pm
  • Tuesday 10am-1pm (General Advice & Information, Sign Posting)
  • Thursday 10am-1pm
  • Friday 10am-1pm

Outside of these times please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

You can request a telephone appointment time by calling 024 7622 7712 or emailing

Appointment phone calls are available Tuesday between 10am-2pm.

Marcia Jarrett

Chief Executive

News & Updates

Man wearing facemask
By Tamarind Centre December 16, 2021
The Tamarind Centre has been working to support our clients during what has been a difficult and challenging time. Covid-19 has impacted us all is some way.
Helping hands
By Tamarind Centre December 15, 2021
These drop-in groups ensure social distancing and a safe environment for people to meet with peers and friends again, sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company.
Candles burning
By Tamarind Centre December 14, 2021
Over the last year or so we have lost several of our much cared for supporters and clients. With times being difficult and not being able to see people and say goodbyes.

Get in touch..

We're here for you

We'll assist you to access the help that you need, so you can focus on what you do best; living well and doing well. 

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