"Our safeguarding responsibility"

Safeguarding means protecting your right to live and work in safety, free from abuse or neglect

Safeguarding at Tamarind

At Tamarind, we are committed to creating a safe, healthy and inclusive place to work and volunteer for our staff, and for those who we come into contact with us through our work. To achieve this, we have robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place, and they are frequently reviewed.

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What do abuse and neglect mean?

Abuse can mean:

  • Physical abuse
  • Domestic abuse (including psychological and emotional abuse)
  • psychological abuse (including humiliating you, isolating you, bullying you – either in person or online)
  • Financial abuse (having your money or possessions stolen or misused or coercing you into a financial arrangement)
  • Sexual abuse
  • Discriminatory abuse

Neglect can mean:

  • Ignoring medical, physical or emotional care needs
  • Failing to provide you with access to health, care and support or educational services
  • Withholding necessities of life, such as food, medication and heating
  • Self-neglect (this can cover a wide range of behaviour such as neglecting your personal hygiene, health or surroundings, and can include behaviours such as hoarding)


Health and social care rights

Safeguarding in Practice

We recognise and practice our legal duty to ensure that Tamarind carries out all of its functions with regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults, (The Care Act 2014); and children and young people, (Children Act, 2004, Section 11).

We are committed to providing our staff with safeguarding training designed to help reduce the risk of harm occurring to the people whom we support. Our staff are therefore, fully equipped to both recognise and report where they may have safeguarding concerns.

Safeguarding is included in all our recruitment practices.

All our staff and volunteers have agreed to a safeguarding code of conduct and are made fully aware of our expectations in relation to their conduct, but also their responsibility to promptly report concerns that they may have.

Some of our colleagues carry out roles that require them to work with people who are considered vulnerable, including children and adults at risk. We carry out Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks in these roles, and for others where we have risk assessed this as being necessary to their function. 

Tamarind has a zero tolerance approach to anyone who causes harm or abuse and will thoroughly investigate and respond to any concern and, where appropriate, also report such matters to the police and/or local authorities.

Experience in the field

32+ Years

Service users supported


Projects Delivered


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